Saturday, 19 April 2008


Type "[your name] needs" into Google search:

"Josie needs air"

Type "[your name] looks like" into Google search:

" Josie looks like she's ready to dive off your lap onto the dog to hitch a ride. Yee haw! "

Type "[your name] likes" into Google search:

"Josie likes my art, for which I am totally and absolutely flattered. Josie’s art work is unique and eternal"

Type "[your name] says" into Google search:

"Josie says "bye-bye" to the camera."

Type "[your name] wants" into Google search:

"Josie wants your heart"

Type "[your name] does" into Google search:

"Josie does Edinburgh"

Type "[your name] hates" into Google search:

"josie hates mark ass tricks and rotas!"

Type "[your name] loves" into Google search:

"Josie Loves Barney -- Matthew Barney"

Type "[your name] goes" into Google search:

"Josie goes to the vet. Josie has to go to the vet in the morning and get fixed. She'll be gone over night and mom will get her Saturday morning "

Type "[your name] has" into Google search:

"Josie has moved into a small home of her own in North Wales, goes to college and loves the company of her boyfriend Iwan Griffith,"

thankyou Lucy!

Monday, 14 April 2008

Fucked off

Im fucked off with the amount of coursework i have to do and how im trying so ahrd but going no where

I'm fucked that im still ill and have so much coursework to do but all i want to do is sleep

I'm fucked off with people and the wya they act like the world revolves around them, and im fucked off with these people friends who wont let you moan about them

I'm fucked off with 40d becuase im trying to watch last weeks skins but its being an arse

and Nic if your reading this talk to me i've been trying to get hold of you havent talked to you for too long and i fancy a chat and a moan :)


Monday, 7 April 2008

I've haaad a reallly goooood

night tonight :D

i have so much coursework to do for wednesday and friday buuuuuuut i really dont care.

i'll do it another time :P

(8) oooooonnnneeeee mooooooooorrrre ttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime