Thursday, 27 November 2008

Home time

Today yet again i am going home for the weekend. I am looking forward to this for many reasons but the most important being that i can talk without the worry of someone takiong the piss out of me! Everyone here talks like Dom, they come from London or reading or surrey or bedfordshore or hertfordshire and so all speak properly. They also all seem to think Brimingham is up north and millions of miles away from Bath and shocked when i say it only takes an hour and a half in the the car or 2 on the train.

But anyway im getting really fed up of saying a sentance and having each word i say discected and people doing impressions that end up scouse. Everyone says how they love my accent and how course it is. but im like guys mt accent really isnt that strong, if you go to Birmgham you'll see. My accent was funny at first but we have been here nealry 10 weeks now lets let it go!

Anyway rant over and i'm going home to escape this