Saturday, 19 April 2008


Type "[your name] needs" into Google search:

"Josie needs air"

Type "[your name] looks like" into Google search:

" Josie looks like she's ready to dive off your lap onto the dog to hitch a ride. Yee haw! "

Type "[your name] likes" into Google search:

"Josie likes my art, for which I am totally and absolutely flattered. Josie’s art work is unique and eternal"

Type "[your name] says" into Google search:

"Josie says "bye-bye" to the camera."

Type "[your name] wants" into Google search:

"Josie wants your heart"

Type "[your name] does" into Google search:

"Josie does Edinburgh"

Type "[your name] hates" into Google search:

"josie hates mark ass tricks and rotas!"

Type "[your name] loves" into Google search:

"Josie Loves Barney -- Matthew Barney"

Type "[your name] goes" into Google search:

"Josie goes to the vet. Josie has to go to the vet in the morning and get fixed. She'll be gone over night and mom will get her Saturday morning "

Type "[your name] has" into Google search:

"Josie has moved into a small home of her own in North Wales, goes to college and loves the company of her boyfriend Iwan Griffith,"

thankyou Lucy!

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