Thursday 3 January 2008

First Blog!

Hello there I'm Josie and I'm a compulsive blogger! That fact that Nic shut the RV blog has been eating me up inside and i really need somewhere to ramble. This has lead to the creation of this blog. I'm still not happy with the aesthetics of it but hey does that matter as long as you can read the words?

well now i feel the need to talk about my festive period. So my Christmas day was OK. i spent it with the family including my two nans who do crack me up. i got various things including a new camera after mine broke due to some sand and some wind. i also got various boks and a shower radio so my shower is just as good as Nic's but like £1000 cheaper apart from i bet his dad hasn't tapped bin bags to the bottom to stop it from leaking.

boxing day started with breakfast at which my nan said penis so i had to laugh into a tissue. I then got my presents of Andy which included high school musical 1 and 2, sing star and underwear. He just couldn't help himself.

I bought new year in with Leah x2 Kelly and Andy. It was really fun and we played shots snakes and ladders that i seemed to get the most shots. Also Kelly lippett got really drunk and made us all laugh rather a lot.

I'm going to go now because I'm boring myself.
yours faithfully
Josie McLaren

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